Dearest All Systems Go!,
I know I haven't been fair to you as of late. In fact it may seem as though I've ignored you, like I've moved on. I know we were in this for the long haul. When this first started, we were both so excited. Man, remember those first posts? All the fun we had, all the laughter, the joy. Now... well....
It may seem like I've not been giving you the attention you deserve. After all, you're my
blog. My one and only, right?
I'm sorry. This is harder than I thought it would have been... I- I need to be frank with you. I know this will hurt... but it needs to be said:
cheated on you.
There's another....another blog I've been writing for-
HEY! There's no reason to throw that!Listen, okay?! Just hear me out!
It wasn't my idea. You see, I've been busy all summer writing for
The Light Post (
The number one source for all things Lighthouse Project-y!). It's for an
internship. I- I thought that maybe if I wrote there, I could get us some exposure, you know? Maybe stir something up... make things exciting again. Get us out on the front lines again.
Look, I know I made a mistake. I never should have abandoned you. It was cruel and wrong of me, and it undermined our entire relationship. You deserve so much better than that.
I-I have no right to start writing here again. I know... I broke your trust. But please, darling, please let me earn it back. I swear, I'll post here often again. I'll use you as more than just a cheap demo for bigger and better things. I'll show you the love and affection you deserve.
I don't expect a response. I don't even expect an apology. Lord knows I don't deserve one. I just... would like another chance. A chance to prove to you just how much you mean to me.
Th-this isn't what I wanted, you know... I wanted us to be happy. I thought.... I don't know what I was thinking...
Just please- Please, baby...give me another chance.
With love,
Will All Systems Go! give Paul another chance? Will she hang him out to dry?
Find out next time on another exciting edition of...