Fantastic Contraption is a free online game where the objective is to move a pink shaped object all the way into a large pink goal box. At your disposal are wheels that rotate clockwise, counter-clockwise, and ones that rotate only when pushed, as well as two different types of supports to hold things together. Using these 5 parts, you must build a device that gets the shape into the goal, then press GO and watch it come to life.
This physics-based game is surprisingly addicting. The first few levels start off easy, but by the final group, you'll be racking your brain trying to build a contraption that will win. It's
quite ingenious how the relatively few functions of the parts can be expanded into new and innovative ways to beat the levels. In fact, that is entirely where the fun lies.
There is a real thrill when your extremely complex device rolls perfectly into place. This is one of those games that makes you feel smart, not by giving you a prize at the end, or any sort of medal. The victory screen is just a few options to move on to the next level. The real reward is watching your meticulously designed bulldozer/miner car drive under a cascade of falling hazards.
And these contraptions need to be designed well! While it may not take long to invent a solution, putting it into practicality takes a lot of effort, and the easily frustrated should avoid this game. But for those dedicated enough, the effort pays off in the end.
Fantastic Contraption is indie game design at its best. It's fast. It's fun. It's addicting, yet complex enough to leave you wanting more than the first 20 free levels. For an extra $10 you can
purchase the extra content. Even if you don't want to shell out the cash, Fantastic Contraption is a great way to kill a few hours.
Did I mention that by setting up a free account, you can save your ingenious designs and share them with others? Feel free to post some of your creations in the comments.
Here are a few of the designs I'm most proud of:
(These designs all work, so if you don't want the puzzle spoiled, don't click)
The Wall: "Train"
Awash: "Digging Dozer"
Handling: "Puller"
Back and Forth: "Bridge Builder"
Down Under: "Double Suicide"
Full-up: "Crane Game"
Four Balls: "Conveyor"
Unpossible: "Catapult"
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