Ah, 2008. The fun we had, the things we played, the people we met... good times.
And now 2009 has rolled in. Another new year, and a few new resolutions.
1.) Post more often: This blog has fallen on the way-side, again. Again.
2.) Learn songs the whole way through: I suffer from musical ADD. I get a piece of music, fall in love with it, and start to learn it, only to fall in love with a different song, and get started on that one. As a result, I have a vast repertoire of half-learned and partial songs. Going to try to stick to my guns this year. Starting with "Maybe I'm Amazed," by the brilliant Sir Paul.
3.) Learn to play the harmonica: The poor baby is gathering dust. And watching "Survivorman" on TV makes me want to learn it again.
4.) Watch the movies in my DVD collection: I'm something of a movie nut. So when I find a good bargain on a movie that I've heard is really superb, or already seen, I make the impulse purchase. A Beautiful Mind for $5? Please and thank you! But there are a bunch of movies in my collection that have yet to be watched (you know who you are). I've got to get around to watching these sometime.
5.) Meet new people: A little cliched perhaps, but nevertheless true. Classes are always pretty big up at school, but that is not a good excuse. For the new year, I'm going to say hello to at least 3 new people in each of my classes on the first day.
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