This week in lecture after the midterm we talked about identity theft and what you can do to avoid being caught by thieves. I have a bit of a personal experiance with identity theft. I myself was never robbed, but my father's credit card number (the one he used to buy appliances for our house) was stolen. He was not robbed in person. Somehow a hacker found my father's information and started charging up fradulent items.
Thankfully my dad checked his credit often, and the bank notified him at the same time that his credit card may have been stolen.
For my company, I would need to ensure the safety of my clients information. This would mean the proper disposal of hard drives I may be done using. I was shocked to find out in class that many hard drives purchased off the internet still had the information on them and that it was easy to obtain.
If I truly intended to make a profit off of my amazing pillow, I would have to be prepared to dispose of my client's information when the time came. Writing over the HD with a single character might be effective if I ever planned on using the hard drive again or were selling it, but the best option might just be to destroy it.
Plus, I'm sure taking a hammer or twelve to an old hard drive and then lighting it aflame would be a nice stress reliever from my normally hectic life!
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