Before this week's lecture I actually already know quite a bit about computer hardware. When I was buying my last laptop, I knew what to look for. I have one of those "gaming rigs" that Professor Rubin was talking about. Quad-core, 6 gigs of RAM, etc.
How could I use this knowledge to my advantage when dealing with my product idea? Well, I will definitely need to use this knowledge if and when I am buying a computer for my business's offices. I will need to know how fast the computer should be, how many cores it should have, and how much memory it should contain.
I already had an idea about what numbers I should look for, but now I actually know what they mean. I had no idea what DIMMs were, but now I know exactly what they are and how I should build any computer my company would need.
I love how you are doing this and mixing it into your regular blog; well done. Keep up the good stuff!
There's not much to it though... I doubt that anyone actually reads this! :P
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