Friday, July 18, 2008

Website You Should Know! - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I just discovered this last night at about midnight.

Basically it's the writer's-strike-induced brainchild of Buffy creator Joss Whedon: a free, online, three part musical about a struggling super-villain named Dr. Horrible (played by Neil Patrick Harris). I don't want to get more into the plot, because it's way too funny to spoil. The songs are pretty good, and the script is hilarious.

Hurry though, because after this Sunday, July 20th, the web-site is going to be pulled down and you'll have to pay to see it on iTunes.

Catch it while you still can!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Feel S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

As promised, I've compiled all the stuff I've been able to find so far on Fallout 3 from this year's E3:

Edit: There have been a lot more previews out since this post. Rather then post them all, I'm redirecting you to this great blog that documents every new bit of info about Fallout 3 so far.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

War...War Never Changes...

I have never played Fallout....there I said it. But Fallout 3 is quickly making it's case to be my entry into the series. There should be a whole bunch of info coming out with E3 this coming week. Check back in and I'll set up links to the articles on Fallout 3 I can find. In the meantime, check out this new teaser:

That's the in-game engine there, ladies and gents. Freaking beautiful. One more game to add to the "Want" list.

Plus, there's Ron Perlman...and who could say no to that?

Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th!

Happy Fourth of July, everybody!