Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Jet Force Gemini?!

In Rare's latest Banjo-fest, a little Easter Egg hints at some major installments for a lot of Rare standards. Among them...Jet Force Gemini!!!

Jet Force brings me back. Remember those good old N64 days with that goofy looking controller, and the little robot Floyd flying in circles around Player One shooting away? And don't forget the dog with rockets for paws.

Goooood times.

Sure, Rare may just be toying around with us, but I'll bite.

Bring it on Rare! Make it so!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So the big day has come. 2 years in the making, it's Election Day 2008!

We're pretty lucky to live in a country where we have the right to vote and freedom to do so, so don't waste it!

So get out there, people! It's VOTING TIME!